Industry & Innovation
Australia’s productivity and competitiveness relies on an innovative industry sector that embraces research, technological innovation and local and international collaboration.
Australia’s productivity and competitiveness relies on an innovative industry sector that embraces research, technological innovation and local and international collaboration.
The Industry & Innovation Forum brings together Fellows from across industry domains to foster collaboration across sectors.
The Forum’s purpose is to transform scientific discoveries into economic engines, and equip industry with the latest research, and unlock the power of diverse perspectives. By building bridges, not silos, the Forum aims to propel Australia's industries to new heights of productivity and competitiveness. The Forum is currently exploring scaling, translating and commercialising innovations.
Australia stands at a critical juncture in its journey to boost the national innovation ecosystem. A thriving economy that makes the most of invention, puts new knowledge to work, and grows new industries is key to the nation’s wellbeing and future success.
Chair: Distinguished Professor Saeid Nahavandi FTSE
Deputy Chairs: Dr Dimity Dornan AO FTSE and Professor Sally McArthur FTSE
ATSE has welcomed measures for science and technology in the Federal Budget however calls for further strategy and investment to grow wealth and wellbeing by making Australia a global leader in research and innovation.
The Australian Academy of Technological Sciences and Engineering (ATSE) welcomes the Australian Government’s announcement of paid placements for student teachers with mandatory placements, as well as changes to make HELP repayments fairer and simpler for students.