Strategic advice

We publish submissions to government, research reports with industry, and explainers for the public and policy-makers to show how science, technology and engineering can solve Australia's complex challenges.

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Showing 260 Results

Water Tower Indigenous Communities
Sep 2024
Closing the water gap — Water, sanitation and hygiene for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Communities

Clean water is critical to Closing the Gap in health outcomes for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people. Access to secure, reliable and safe drinking water is essential to human health and well-being and is recognised by the United Nations as a human right. Many Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities have inadequate drinking water, sanitation, and hygiene (WASH) accessibility.

Traditional Knowledge
IMPACT 217 Cvr Img 1920X1080
Aug 2024

This issue of IMPACT showcases Australian experts at the heart of the breakthroughs we need to create healthy communities and thriving environments.

Industry & innovation
Women In STEM Decadal Plan
Aug 2024
Submission to the Building Women's Careers Program – grant guidelines

The $50 million Building Women's Careers Program, as part of the Future Made in Australia initiative, demonstrates a commitment to structural and cultural change in segments of the workforce that have historically been male dominated.

Women in STEM
Diversity & inclusion
Industry & innovation
ATSE Priorities Research 4
Aug 2024
Submission to the New Roadmap for Australia's Economic Engagement with India

The New Roadmap for Australia’s Economic Engagement with India is an opportunity for Australia to strengthen relations with India and diversify our trade and to support our respective economic security interests. ATSE would support a strategic, long-term approach to building trade and investment networks.

Brisbane bus interchange
Jul 2024
Submission to the Transport and Infrastructure Net Zero Roadmap

ATSE's submission to the Transport and Infrastructure Net Zero Action Plan outlines the importance of the transport sector the Australia’s zero emissions target, with transport expected to be the largest source of emissions by 2030.

Net zero
Uni Campus UNSW
Jul 2024
Submission to the Universities Accord Post-Budget Implementation Consultation Papers

ATSE's contribution to the implementation of elements of the Australian Universities Accord (the Accord).

STEM education
Engineers Blueprints Istock 1164943426
Jul 2024
Small Modular Reactors – The technology and Australian context explained

SMRs could potentially form part of Australia’s future low-carbon energy mix, utilising existing transmission infrastructure and contributing to baseload power, or providing dispatchable power in a high-renewables grid. As an emerging technology, in 2024 the cost and operational performance of this technology has not yet been demonstrated.

Net zero
ATSE Digital Network
Jul 2024
Submission to the NSW Digital Inclusion Strategy

Our submission to the NSW government towards development of a Digital Inclusion Strategy to ensure that all residents of NSW have equitable access to essential services and economic and social opportunities in the digital age.

Istock 1459471512
Jul 2024
Submission to a National Urban Policy for Australia

The proposed National Urban Policy supports UN's Sustainable Development Goal 11 (sustainable cities and communities), and links with a range of other SDGs, including Goal 3 (good health and wellbeing), Goal 9 (industry, innovation and infrastructure), and Goal 13 (climate action).