We contribute robust and practical thinking to Australia’s big debates.
We apply STEM expertise to solve the big issues facing our nation.

Through our STEM sector forums, we bring together subject-matter experts to guide our policy priorities. These forums contribute research-informed and practical thinking to Australia’s big debates. The nine forums are:
Agriculture & food
Digital futures
Health technology
Industry & innovation
Mineral resources

We build capacity in the STEM sector by exciting school students about STEM, offering uni scholarships, supporting grad students and early-career emerging leaders, and empowering women into leadership roles — all through a diversity and inclusion lens.
We excite and educate secondary school students with our STEM modules and hands-on equipment kits.
We support PhD students and early-careers researchers through a mentoring and professional development program.
Emerging Leaders Network
We include emerging STEM professionals by valuing them and including them in our own policy-advice work.
Elevate: Boosting women in STEM
We’re empowering more women into and up through the STEM sector through financial support via scholarships.
Diversity & Inclusion Toolkit
We provide guidance to STEM sector employers on how to embed diversity and inclusion principles.

The ATSE Awards recognise STEM excellence and innovation in applied science, technology and engineering across a range of disciplines and career stages. The Award categories are:
Clunies Ross Technology Innovation Awards
Batterham Medal for Engineering Excellence
ICM Agrifood Award
Ezio Rizzardo Polymer Scholarship
David & Valerie Solomon Award
Traditional Knowledge Innovation Award
ATSE President’s Medal

ATSE fosters vital global connections in technological sciences and engineering, bolstering Australian interests through impactful collaborations. From bilateral workshops to policy engagement, our initiatives facilitate crucial exchanges, driving innovation and strengthening international relationships. We do this through:
Global Science and Technology Diplomacy Fund