Mitigating and adapting to climate change

ATSE supports climate change action by advising decision makers on technology led pathways toward a net zero future


Climate change is already affecting Australia and the world through extreme weather, infrastructure damage and health impacts, with greater impacts predicted in the coming years.

To avoid the worst of climate change, strong action is required by policy-makers and industry, with major changes needed throughout our society.

Mitigation responses are critical to reduce the rate of warming in the global climate system. Adaptation responses are necessary to reduce the impact of current and future climate-related stresses and manage future climate risks. Australia’s mitigation and adaptation efforts will be strongly enhanced by the timely adoption and advancement of technological innovations, supported by government policy settings that encourage investment. We are calling for an ambitious national goal of net-zero emissions by 2035, in line with the latest scientific evidence and at the forefront of global efforts.

With strong leadership from government and active participation by industry, Australia is well placed to become a renewable technology superpower and a global exemplar in reducing emissions and adapting to extreme weather. 

ATSE has identified four key principles that will help drive Australia’s response to climate change. These require a commitment by industry and government to:

  • Adopt long-term bipartisan policies and programs that encourage the actions and investments needed for rapid and intensive deployment of technologies and measures to mitigate greenhouse gas emissions and adapt to the impacts of climate change
  • Inform and test mitigation and adaptation responses, using leading edge climate modelling and prediction techniques (which should be enhanced in areas where Australia has recognised leadership or unique needs)
  • Increase support for low-emissions technology research, development and demonstration, prioritising areas where Australia has recognised leadership or unique needs
  • Support Australian participation in cooperative international programs focused on developing solutions to climate change.


2. IMG Our Priorities CC
Becoming a net zero nation

The science of climate change is unequivocal. Australia is increasingly experiencing its impacts, including extreme weather and bushfire events. There is an opportunity to limit climate change to current levels through immediate action. ATSE calls for more urgent action: a commitment to achieving net zero emissions by 2035. 

Climate change
Net zero
Becoming a net zero nation 1.5mb / pdf


Our work on climate change mitigation and adaptation

Wind turbines in Albany, Western Australia
Dec 2022
ATSE & AAS joint Submission on Australia’s Transition to a Green Energy Superpower
Net zero
Brisbane bus interchange
Feb 2023
Submission on Decarbonising Infrastructure Delivery
Net zero
Jan 2023
Pre-budget submission 2023-24

Innovation is the fundamental source of economic and social progress and is an essential part of maintaining a strong and prosperous nation. Australia’s STEM (science, technology, engineering, and mathematics) sector provides an essential basis for our nation’s innovation.

Net zero


ATSE’s other priorities

ATSE Priorities Research (1)
Research translation & commercialisation

Lifting our industrial and business productivity through research, innovation and collaboration is a core priority for Australia as it seeks to diversify and grow its economy.

Research translation


ATSE Our Priorities 3
Pathways into and through STEM

We are inspiring young people about STEM and creating pathways to address the STEM skills shortage

STEM education
Diversity & inclusion
STEM Beyond School