
Investing in infrastructure that supports environmental, economic and social well-being and boosts Australia’s resilience into the future.

Infrastructure forms the foundation of any modern nation.

ATSE’s Infrastructure Forum seeks out innovative infrastructure strategies to support Australia’s productivity, population and industry.

Effective infrastructure can also connect rural and urban environments to achieve better outcomes for all. ATSE’s Infrastructure Forum advocates for investment in infrastructure that boosts Australia’s competitiveness, social well-being and environmental sustainability towards a resilient future.  

The Forum is currently undertaking projects related to decarbonisation, STEM skills shortages and research translation. 


Resilient Australia Infrastructure Road Water
Building a resilient Australia

Planning and design for resilience is a key component in mitigating the damage of major hazards, including naturally occurring events, the effects of climate change, geopolitics, technological disruption and cyberattacks.

Climate change


Forum leadership

Chair: Dr David Cook AO FTSE
Co-Deputy Chair: Professor Keith Hampson FTSE
Co-Deputy Chair: Romilly Madew AO FTSE  
Appointed Member: Dr Brett Phillips FTSE
Appointed Member: Colin Jensen FTSE
Appointed Member:Anthony Barry FTSE
Appointed Member: Professor Wenhui Duan FTSE 


Electrcity Pylon
Sep 2023
Submission to the Inquiry into Residential Electrification

Residential electrification is an essential part of Australia’s strategy to achieve net zero emissions by 2050 if not sooner. Electrification will not only reduce carbon emissions as the power grid moves to renewable energy but will also provide economic benefits as jobs are created in the re-fit houses and apartments.

Net zero
Hydrogen Molecules
Sep 2023
Submission to Review of the National Hydrogen Strategy

A successful Australian hydrogen energy market strategy should couple economic goals with climate goals. Hydrogen production presents an opportunity to diversify the export economy and reach new markets as demand for Australia’s traditional fossil fuel commodity exports declines.

Net zero
Jake Givens 545 Unsplash
Apr 2023
Submission to the Road Resilience Inquiry

Response to the House of Representatives Standing Committee on Regional Development, Infrastructure and Transport’s inquiry into the implications of severe weather events on the national regional, rural, and remote road network.



ATSE’s STEM expertise


SDG Roundel

#9 – Industry, innovation and infrastructure

#11 – Sustainable cities and communities