IMNIS for Mentees

Become an IMNIS Mentee

IMNIS Engage is open to STEM 2nd and 3rd-year PhD students, as well as early career researchers (up to 5 years post-PhD) who are seeking support to connect with industry, collaborate across the sector and enhance their career opportunities.

What are the benefits of the program for mentees?

  • Direct access to the experience, guidance and advice of an influential, high level, industry mentor.
  • Extend your professional networks.
  • Gain professional skills, increase business acumen and get more informed about opportunities beyond academia.
  • Develop an understanding of research translation, innovation and commercialisation alongside fundamental research.
  • Invitation to bespoke professional development workshops.

Mentees are selected and supported to participate in IMNIS Engage by their university or research organisation.

Interested in joining IMNIS Engage? Contact your university research graduate office or research organisation HR team to express interest in participating in IMNIS.


It was truly enriching to gain insights into what a career in the industry entails after graduation and to understand how I could effectively apply my skills from academia to real-world industry scenarios.

IMNIS Mentee

My mentor really pushed me to engage with people in the wider medical research field, especially those in industry roles, to learn more about what sort of jobs were on offer. I don’t think I would have had the confidence to reach out without her guidance.

IMNIS Alumnus

IMNIS Impact Report Image
The IMNIS effect

Download our Impact Report and see how mentoring benefits PhD students and early career researchers, and the IMNIS program provides opportunities for Mentors to engage with future leaders in STEM.

STEM careers
IMNIS IMPACT report 663.8kb / pdf

Contact IMNIS

If you're interested in becoming a Mentee please get in touch with our friendly team


ATSE pathways into and through STEM