Dr John Zillman
Dr John Zillman AO FTSE FAA

Fellow status Elected 1980 Division VIC
Fellowship Affiliations Classification Government Sector Expertise 151 - Meteorology

Biography at time of election

Dr. Zillman has made major contributions to Australian
and international meteorology.
He is the author of more than JO scientific papers, has edited the Australian Meteorological Magazine and was joint editor of a major text on climatic change and variability.
Dr. Zillman was Chairman of the Australian Branch of the
Royal Meteorological Society and is a Vice-President of the Society. He is a member of the Victorian committees of ANZAAS and the Institute of Physics and of committees of the Australian Water Resources Council, Academy of Science and similar bodiei He has been prominent in the activities of the World Meteorolog­ical Organisation, is Permanent Representative of Australia with the WMO and a member of the WMO Executive Committee.