About us

ATSE brings together over 900 of Australia’s leading engineers, applied scientists and technologists to create a better Australia and world

Our vision is for a sustainable and prosperous Australia where engineering and applied sciences protect our environment, nurture a skilled workforce, grow competitive industries and enable all Australians to reach their greatest potential.

An independent, non-government organisation and charity, ATSE is led by a diverse Fellowship of over 900 of Australia’s leading applied scientists, technologists and engineers.

We celebrate excellence in science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) by appointing prestigious Fellows, awarding upcoming innovators and equipping the next generation with skills to build a better Australia and world.

We are an evidence driven voice to decision-makers, and our world-class STEM career programs are shaping the knowledge-makers and innovators we need to tackle our most urgent challenges – now and in the future. 


ATSE Mission City Street

We help Australians understand and use technology to solve complex problems.
> Read more about ATSE's Mission


Illustration of map of Australia shown as a network of nodes

Our values determine how ATSE conducts its day-to-day operations, and the expectations it places on its Fellows, staff and the organisations and people that it partners with.

> Read more about our Values


The Pilbara
Strategic plan

The Academy’s Strategic Plan 2025-2030 identifies the strategic goals for ATSE to deliver its mission over the next five years.
> Read our Strategic Plan


ATSE network of Fellows with STEM expertise
Diversity and inclusion

As a STEM-underpinned organisation, we will be more impactful and successful when we fully embrace diversity and inclusion in all of our activities.


Reconciliation Action Plan

Our vision for reconciliation is that all Australians recognise and value Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander custodianship as one of the oldest knowledge systems on the planet.
> Read more about our Reconciliation activities


The Pilbara

The Australian Academy of Technological Sciences and Engineering was founded in 1975 as one of Australia’s four learned Academies at the time.
> Read more about our history


ATSE Network People Buildings

Guided by a Board, the Fellowship of over 900 experts collaborates with the ATSE team to provide robust, impartial, practical advice about technological sciences and engineering.
> Read more about our structure


ATSE At The Burns Centre BW (1)
Professional staff

ATSE's professional staff collaborate with the Fellowship of over 900 experts to provide robust, impartial, practical advice about technological sciences and engineering.
> Read more about our professional staff


Working with us

The ATSE professional team is based in Canberra.
> Read more about working with us


Read our latest Annual Review

Read our latest Annual Review 2022-2023, or you can access all our Annual Reviews for the past few years.

> All Annual Reviews


United Nations Sustainable Development Goals

United Nations Sustainable Development Goals

As a national Academy with many connections to international researchers and with our Fellows working towards global solutions for issues such as climate change, pandemics, and food security, ATSE has strong alignment with the 17 United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

> United Nations Sustainable Development Goals