Strategic advice

We publish submissions to government, research reports with industry, and explainers for the public and policy-makers to show how science, technology and engineering can solve Australia's complex challenges.

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Showing 4 Results

Water Tower Indigenous Communities
Sep 2024
Closing the water gap — Water, sanitation and hygiene for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Communities

Clean water is critical to Closing the Gap in health outcomes for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people. Access to secure, reliable and safe drinking water is essential to human health and well-being and is recognised by the United Nations as a human right. Many Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities have inadequate drinking water, sanitation, and hygiene (WASH) accessibility.

Traditional Knowledge
Feb 2023
Submission to the Future Delivery of Foundation Skills Training in Remote Australia consultation
Traditional Knowledge
Farming Landscape
Apr 2022
ATSE Submission to the National Biosecurity Strategy

This submission endorses the Strategy priority areas, considers challenges in building a biosecurity workforce, and proposes the inclusion of different approaches such as One Health and Traditional Knowledge to develop a comprehensive understanding of biosecurity.

Agriculture & Food
Traditional Knowledge
Hannah Busing Zyx1bk9mqma Unsplash
Dec 2021

Social issues matter for STEM. This issue of IMPACT challenges all of us to look up from the lab, screen, sandpit, paddock and workshop, and connect with colleagues to address some of the deepest challenges and inequities persist across our society.

Traditional Knowledge
Digital futures