Ezio Rizzardo Polymer Scholarship

The Ezio Rizzardo Polymer Scholarship acknowledges the potential impact of an outstanding PhD candidate in polymer science or engineering.

Nominations for the 2025 Ezio Rizzardo Polymer Scholarship are now open.

The Ezio Rizzardo Polymer Scholarship acknowledges the potential impact of an outstanding PhD candidate in polymer science or engineering. The award is made to an existing scholarship holder who is intending to undertake PhD studies related to polymer science or engineering and whose work will benefit Australia. The scholarship will provide $10,000 per year over up to three years, plus a $5000 travel fund. The Academy administers the scholarship, which is funded by the former CRC for Polymers.

Award purpose:

  • To encourage and support outstanding polymer research in Australia
  • To draw national attention to Australia’s outstanding polymer research capability
  • To elevate polymer research among the technology and innovation communities
  • Reinforce the contribution polymer science or engineering makes to Australia’s reputation as a centre of technology and innovation leadership.

Please review the guidelines below for more information.

Candidate eligibility

For the Ezio Rizzardo Polymer Scholarship candidates can only be from the following universities: University of Melbourne, Monash University, RMIT University, Swinburne University of Technology, University of Sydney, University of New South Wales, University of Wollongong, University of Newcastle, University of New England, University of Queensland, Queensland University of Technology, Griffith University, University of South Australia, and University of Western Australia

Guidelines for this Award are available below.

2025 ATSE Awards

Nominations for the Ezio Rizzardo Scholarship are now open.


Winners of the Ezio Rizzardo Polymer Scholarship


All ATSE Awards categories