Research translation & commercialisation

Lifting our industrial and business productivity through research, innovation and collaboration is a core priority for Australia as it seeks to diversify and grow its economy.


Our industrial competitiveness depends significantly on our ability to translate investments in research and development into economic benefits, and to lift productivity through the uptake of new technology and technical innovations, including the efficient capture of new innovations from overseas.

Collaboration between Australia’s research workforce and the industry sector underpins innovation in our economy, and will be critical to supporting the growth of new businesses and streams of economic productivity. Australia has a world-class research base, and we must take advantage of the significant opportunities to translate publicly-funded research outputs into economic benefits.

The Academy has identified four key areas that must be addressed if Australia is to maximise the contribution of technology, innovation and productivity in industry:

  • Translating research: Taking full advantage of Australia’s world-class research and realising the full innovation dividend for the economy requires significant improvements in the translation of research. Many systematic and cultural barriers exist, as well as market failures that can be profitably addressed by government action.
  • Incentives to innovate: Incentivising and facilitating businesses, particularly SMEs, to efficiently adopt new technologies can further lift innovation, productivity growth and competitiveness.
  • Local and international collaboration: Improving collaboration in Australia, between businesses and between business and publicly-funded research organisations, will significantly enhance innovation. International collaboration is also critically important. Both domestic and international collaboration improves the productivity and competitiveness of Australian technology-based firms.
  • Technology adoption: Technological innovation is key to building industry competitiveness, through increasing productivity and reducing costs, realising commercial opportunities from research investment, and creating new areas of competitive advantage.


Barriers To Innnovation 250128
Boosting Australia's Innovation

Australia stands at a critical juncture in its journey to boost the national innovation ecosystem. A thriving economy that makes the most of invention, puts new knowledge to work, and grows new industries is key to the nation’s wellbeing and future success.

Research translation
Industry & innovation


Our work on research translation & commercialisation

Microsoftteams Image 28
Sep 2023
Submission on Australia’s draft National Science and Research Priorities

The National Science and Research Priorities outline the critical role of research in tackling the nation’s most pressing challenges over the coming decade, charting an ambitious, transdisciplinary research agenda.

Industry & innovation
Microscope And Slide 2
Jul 2023
Submission on Improving Alignment and Coordination Between the Medical Research Future Fund and Medical Research Endowment Account

The reform offers Australia the opportunity to determine how health and medical research can better fit the nation’s needs now and into the future.

Medical research
ATSE Priorities Research 3
Aug 2023
Submission to the Academic and Research Integrity Guidance Note consultation


ATSE’s other priorities

ATSE Our Priorities
Mitigating and adapting to climate change

ATSE supports climate change action by advising decision makers on technology led pathways toward a net zero future

Climate change
Net zero


ATSE Our Priorities 3
Pathways into & through STEM

We are inspiring young people about STEM and creating pathways to address the STEM skills shortage

STEM education
Diversity & inclusion
STEM Beyond School