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Showing 9 Results

2. IMG Our Priorities 22
Jul 2024
Persistent challenges in achieving STEM equity

The 2024 STEM Equity Monitor, released last week, highlights critical gender disparities across study and careers in science, technology, engineering and maths (STEM) in Australia.

Women in STEM
STEM careers
Mar 2024
Boosting Board experience through Elevate as DMTC Guest of the Chair

ATSE and DMTC Limited are proud to announce Dr Claretta DSouza as the 2024 recipient of the DMTC Guest of the Chair Fellowship.

STEM careers
Women in STEM
IMG IMNIS 1920X1080 16
Mar 2024
Supporting Australia’s emerging technological sciences and engineering leaders

ATSE is pleased to announce the inaugural members of the Emerging Leaders Network who have been selected to work alongside industry leaders to develop their leadership, policy and advocacy skills. 

Emerging Leaders Network
STEM careers
ATSE Priority STEM Skills 1
Mar 2024
The Universities Accord can deliver the STEM skills Australia needs

The Universities Accord conclusion is unequivocal – Australia must give more people from more backgrounds access to high-quality education to solve our skills crisis and capitalise on our opportunity to emerge as a STEM superpower.

STEM careers
STEM education
ATSE Education 6
Feb 2024
Landmark Universities Accord presents ambitious vision for higher education and future workforce

ATSE has welcomed the Australian Universities Accord Final Report’s emphasis on increasing investment in research and development (R&D), enhancing diversity and inclusion, and prioritising critical skills. 

STEM education
STEM careers
Uni Campus UNSW
Feb 2024
Diversity in STEM Review offers potentially game-changing solutions if implemented in full

ATSE welcomes the release of the Diversity in STEM review, in particular the focus on proactive inclusion, equity, fairness and safety, and a place at the STEM research and development table for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people.

Diversity & inclusion
STEM careers
Women in STEM
Women With Petri Dish Card E1582248940115
Sep 2023
Accountability crucial for Diversity in STEM outcomes, say Australia’s top engineers and applied scientists

In its submission to the Diversity in STEM Review, the Australian Academy of Technological Sciences and Engineering (ATSE) has called for formal accountability and oversight as part of a proposed office to coordinate national initiatives for greater diversity throughout STEM-powered sectors.

Diversity & inclusion
Women in STEM
STEM careers
CARD CAT Announcement BW
May 2023
Twenty young science and tech innovators appointed as industry ambassadors

A speech pathologist working to rehabilitate those impacted by brain injury, an aerospace engineer working on chemical transportation, and a science publisher working on STEM resources for school students are among the diverse group of 20 emerging leaders in STEM announced to join the 2023 IMNIS Catalyst program this week.

IMNIS Catalyst
STEM careers
210931 REDI Mentees For Web
Sep 2021
Initiative driving Australia’s industry-ready STEM workforce expands

The Australian Academy of Technology and Engineering’s REDI Connect program, designed to foster an industry-ready workforce, is growing from strength to strength.

STEM careers

To arrange interviews with ATSE spokespeople and for other media enquiries, contact Edwyn Shiell - Director, Communications and Outreach: or (02) 6182 3240