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IMNIS Catalyst Bluebottle
Apr 2024
A diverse group of 16 early-career STEM leaders make up the 2024 IMNIS Catalyst cohort

The IMNIS Catalyst program supports budding leaders to become STEM ambassadors by providing unique professional development and networking opportunities.

IMNIS Catalyst
CARD CAT Announcement BW
May 2023
Twenty young science and tech innovators appointed as industry ambassadors

A speech pathologist working to rehabilitate those impacted by brain injury, an aerospace engineer working on chemical transportation, and a science publisher working on STEM resources for school students are among the diverse group of 20 emerging leaders in STEM announced to join the 2023 IMNIS Catalyst program this week.

IMNIS Catalyst
STEM careers
IMG IMNIS 1920X1080 8
Sep 2021
Industry mentoring in STEM expands to foster global connections

ATSE is launching a new program designed to nurture Australia’s future leaders in science, technology, engineering and maths to engage with industry.

IMNIS Catalyst
STEM education
Industry & innovation
210931 REDI Mentees For Web
Sep 2021
Initiative driving Australia’s industry-ready STEM workforce expands

The Australian Academy of Technology and Engineering’s REDI Connect program, designed to foster an industry-ready workforce, is growing from strength to strength.

STEM careers

To arrange interviews with ATSE spokespeople and for other media enquiries, contact Edwyn Shiell - Director, Communications and Outreach: or (02) 6182 3240