Professor Stuart Khan
Professor Stuart Khan FTSE Professor and Head of School of Civil Engineering He/him
Stuart Khan is Professor and Head of School of Civil Engineering at the University of Sydney. He has published over 200 peer reviewed journal articles on issues relating to water quality and treatment, including drinking water, wastewater, recreational water, environmental water systems, water recycling and desalination. Stuart is Chair of the NHMRC Recreational Water Quality Advisory Committee (RWQAC). Stuart is a gaduate of the Australian Institute of Company Directors (GAICD) and is a member of the Board of Directors of The Better Cities Initiative Ltd. and Water Research Australia Ltd.

Fellow status Elected 2020 Division NSW
Fellowship Affiliations The University of Sydney (USYD) Classification Academia Sector B - Water & Environment Expertise 154 - Environmental science and technology (physical)

Biography at time of election

Professor Stuart Khan has made pioneering, sustained contributions to the field of water management. As an outstanding innovator, research leader and prominent public advocate for urban water quality and management, the level of respect he enjoys in his field ? as well as across industry, government, the tertiary sector and the broader public ? is clear from his string of influential appointments and roles, prolific industry collaboration and long list of media engagements. Moreover, his extensive influence upon water policy and industry adoption ? both in Australia and internationally ? makes him an exceptional addition to the Fellowship.