Professor Robin Batterham
Professor Robin Batterham AO FTSE FREng FAA Emeritus Kernot Professor of Engineering
Robin Batterham is the Emeritus Kernot Professor of Engineering at the University of Melbourne, chairs the Net Zero Australia project, is Chief Technologist of a major project on green steel and leads an initiative on soil carbon measurement. He is President of the International Mineral Processing Congress, due in Melbourne in 2028. Based on his research achievments, he is an elected Fellow of 7 International Academies as well as Fellow of 6 Institutions. Robin Batterham was Chief Scientist of Australia for 6 years and has worked in senior positions in Industry including as Global Head of Innovation for Rio Tinto.

Fellow status Elected 1988 Division VIC
Fellowship Affiliations The University of Melbourne (UniMelb) Classification Publicly Funded Research Agency Sector Expertise 421 - Technological industries

Biography at time of election

Professor Robin Batterham is the President of the Australian Academy of Technological Sciences and Engineering (ATSE) and is a Professorial Fellow in the Department of Chemical and Biochemical Engineering at the University of Melbourne. He has had a distinguished career in research and technology, in the public and private sectors.

Professor Batterham was Chief Scientist to the Australian Federal Government from 1999 to 2005 on a part-time basis.
As Chief Scientist, Dr Batterham provided advice on science, technology and innovation issues to the Australian Government. The Chief Scientist was involved in reviews of tropical marine science, Australia's science capability the external earnings of the major federally funded research agencies, the national research priorities, and research quality. He provided a link between Australian Government and science, engineering, innovation and industry groups and was Executive Officer of the Prime Minister's Science, Engineering and Innovation Council (PMSEIC).

Professor Batterham remains a member of PMSEIC.

Professor Batterham has recently (31 December 2009) retired as Chief Technologist, Rio Tinto Limited. As Chief Technologist, Professor Batterham was responsible for external research and development and for delivering step change technologies into the operations.

He worked with CSIRO in areas such as mining, mineral processing, mineral agglomeration processes, and iron making. From 1988, Professor Batterham has held senior positions in Technology Development with CRA Limited, now Rio Tinto Limited. During this time, he led the development of a processing route for what is now recognised as the world's largest economic zinc mineralisation. He also contributed significantly to the HIsmelt process to develop a novel direct smelting technology for iron making.

Professor Batterham is Past President of the Institution of Chemical Engineers; is Chairman of the International Network for Acid Prevention; and President of the National Science Summer School.

Fellowships and offices in major professional societies include:
? Fellow of the Australian Academy of Science
? Fellow of the Australian Academy of Technological Sciences and Engineering
? Corresponding Fellow of the Swiss Academy of Engineering Sciences
? Fellow Royal Academy of Engineering
? Foreign Associate of the National Academy of Engineering ( USA )
? Fellow Institution of Chemical Engineers
? Fellow Institute of Engineers Australia
? Fellow Australian Institute of Management
? Fellow Iron & Steel Society America
? Fellow Australian Institute of Mining and Metallurgy
? Fellow of Australian Institute of Company Directors
? President (Honorary) of the National Youth Science Foundation (Summer School)
? President of the International Mineral Processing Congress, 1991-94 and 2010

Professor Batterham has given some hundreds of invited keynote lectures, has been a member of a number of major reviews of higher education and government research organisations, and has produced nearly 200 papers, publications and patents. He was editor for 12 years of the International Journal of Applied Mathematical Modelling and is a recipient of the Kernot medal from Melbourne University , the Chemeca Medal and the AusIMM Institute Medal 2004.

Professor Batterham is also an organist, holding a position at Scots Church in Melbourne