Professor Peter Quinn
Professor Peter Quinn FTSE Professor of Astronomy & Astrophysics

Fellow status Elected 2013 Division WA
Fellowship Affiliations The University of Western Australia (UWA) Classification Academia Sector Expertise 161 - Astronomy

Biography at time of election

Peter Quinn is a world leader in data-intensive science; the design, development and operation of super-science facilities; the theory of galaxy formation and the search for Dark Matter. He is ranked by Thomson Reuters as one of the top 250 astronomers in the past 25 years. Professor Quinn has worked closely with global data companies towards the design and development of the SKA data processing systems. His career demonstrates a pursuit of excellence and an ability to bring together influential people from around the world to work in the interests of science, engineering and technology, data management and education. He is Professor of Astronomy & Astrophysics at the University of Western Australia.