Distinguished Professor Michelle Leishman has transformed our understanding of how native plants, crops and weeds will respond to climate change. Her expertise in invasion biology, restoration ecology, climate change impacts and adaptation, and urban greening is world leading.
A multi-award-winning plant ecologist, she deftly translates her research into evidence-based action – from applications in the nursery and horticultural industry, to advice and tools for frontline conservationists, to government policy designed to preserve Australia’s precious plant heritage.
Her research underpins Australia’s myrtle rust action plan and a guide for green life industry on climate-smart species selection. She developed WeedFutures, predicting how 700 weeds will spread today and under climate change up to 2065. She also leads the Smart Green Cities Research Centre, with the goal of enhancing the liveability of cities and enabling sustainable green infrastructure.
Biography at time of election