Professor Michelle Colgrave
Professor Michelle Colgrave FTSE Deputy Director (Impact), CSIRO Agriculture and Food

Current as of 31/05/2023

Professor Michelle Colgrave is internationally known for her cutting-edge work in proteomics - the study of proteins - used to improve agriculture and food for the benefit of human health.

Michelle’s work focuses on providing optimum nutrition more sustainably. Her team supported the development of a canola variety that produces omega-3 oils. Michelle also helped develop the world’s first gluten-free barley. Her team is now examining oat cultivars for use in gluten-free diets. And with growing demand for protein globally for their role in food security.

Michelle’s experience extends beyond research into strategy development for policymaking. She is active in encouraging more women into science.

Fellow status Elected 2022 Division QLD
Fellowship Affiliations CSIRO Classification Publicly Funded Research Agency Sector G - Primary Industries & Food Technology Expertise 241 - Food science and technology

Biography at time of election

Professor Michelle Colgrave is internationally known for her cutting-edge work in proteomics - the study of proteins - used to improve agriculture and food for the benefit of human health. 

Michelle’s work focuses on providing optimum nutrition more sustainably. Her team supported the development of a canola variety that produces omega-3 oils. Michelle also helped develop the world’s first gluten-free barley. Her team is now examining oat cultivars for use in gluten-free diets. With growing demand for protein globally, her team is studying plant proteins, with lupins an exciting prospect. 

Michelle’s experience extends beyond research into strategy development for policymaking. She is active in encouraging more women into science.