Professor Martin Green
Professor Martin Green AM FTSE FRS FAA Executive Research Director He/him

Fellow status Elected 1994 Division NSW
Fellowship Affiliations The University of New South Wales (UNSW) Classification Academia Sector Expertise 323 - Electronics (including design of computing circuits)

Professor Martin Green is an inaugural Australian Federation Fellow, Executive Research Director at the ARC Centre of Excellence for Photovoltaics, and Research Director of Sydney-based CSG Solar Pty Ltd.

Professor Green's fundamental work on factors limiting silicon solar cell performance led to his research group improving the performance of silicon solar cells by over 50% from what had previously been considered a mature technology. His group currently holds a number of world records for solar cell performance.

Professor Green co-invented unique polycrystalline silicon thin-film on glass solar technology and helped found Pacific Solar (now CSG Solar) in 1995 to commercialise the research produced by his group on these cells. The formation of this company represented the largest investment in renewable energy technology in Australian history.

Professor Green has since successfully demonstrated to the international photovoltaic community that 'third generation' solar cell technology, which taps into the full thermodynamic potential of photovoltaic conversion, is essential in order to achieve widespread solar energy adoption and make a significant impact on future energy supplies. He has received over 50 international keynote and invited paper invitations in the past five years to speak on 'third generation' photovoltaics.

Professor Green has also had some remarkable successes as a research supervisor. Dr Zhengrong Shi completed his PhD under the Professor Green's supervision in the early 1990s and went on to establish the multi-billion dollar company Suntech Power in Wuxi, China. Another of his former PhD students, Professor Stuart Wenham, has recently been awarded a Clunies Ross Award, and was a co-recipient (with Professor Green) of the Australia Prize in 1999. In 2003, Professor Wenham and Professor Green worked together to prepare the successful application for the ARC Photovoltaics Centre of Excellence, which now employs over 115 staff members.

Professor Green has been a recipient of a Eureka Prize (early 1990's), a Clunies Ross Award (1992) and the Australia Prize (1999 - co-winner with S.R. Wenham). More recently, he received the 2004 World Technology Award for Energy, and has received other prestigious international awards.