Professor Mark Howden
Professor Mark Howden FTSE Director, Institute for Climate, Energy & Disaster Solutions

Fellow status Elected 2022 Division ACT
Fellowship Affiliations The Australian National University (ANU) Classification Academia Sector B - Water & Environment Expertise 154 - Environmental science and technology (physical)

Biography at time of election

Professor Mark Howden is an international force in climate change science. He’s been a member of an extraordinary 20 Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change processes since 1991, sharing the 2007 Nobel Peace Prize with other IPCC participants and Al Gore. 

Mark has been articulating the scale of climate impacts and how to manage them since the 1990s, influencing the global discourse. He helped develop the national and international greenhouse gas inventories that inform the Paris Agreement. 

He has a rare capacity to link climate science with food/nutrition security and other threats, connecting these into broader sustainable development pathways. 

Mark is passionate about educating the wider community and government, giving a huge number of presentations, briefings and interviews each year.