Professor Mark Hoffman
Professor Mark Hoffman FTSE Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Academic) and Vice-President

Current as of 1/6/2023

Professor Mark Hoffman is a Board Member and Fellow of the Australian Academy of Technological Sciences and Engineering and Chair of the Education Policy Forum. He is co-author of ATSE’s seminal report “Our STEM skilled future — An education roadmap for an innovative workforce”.

Professor Hoffman is Deputy Vice Chancellor Academic at the University of Newcastle in Australia, having commenced at the beginning of 2020. His portfolios include the University’s education programs and students, the library, galleries, equity diversity and inclusion, and the Wollotuka Institute for Indigenous education and research. He was recently appointed Chair of the NSW universities Deputy Vice Chancellor Academic Committee.

Previously he was Dean of Engineering at the University of New South Wales 2015-20, where he created a Design School and was instrumental in the instigation of The Design Engineering Institute in London. During his tenure the number of students of engineering at 33% growth in students to over 16,000, with a 48% increase in the number of female students.

He is and Chair of the Cladding Product Safety Panel for the NSW State Government, and a Fellow of Engineers Australia. He is also a member of the Joint Committee on ATAR Reform for the NSW Department of Education. In recent years, he was Convenor of the Engineering Panel for the Hong Kong Research Assessment Exercise and the German Research Excellence Initiative.

Fellow status Elected 2014 Division NSW
Fellowship Affiliations University of Newcastle (UoN) Classification Academia Sector Expertise 363 - Materials science and engineering

Biography at time of election

Professor Hoffman, Pro Vice-Chancellor (Research) at UNSW, has made significant contributions to industry in the field of materials design and technologies for structural integrity and reliability, covering a range of disciplines in light metals, thin films, nanomechanics and polymers. He contributes strongly to engineering education and bridging the fields of science and engineering.