Professor Madhu Bhaskaran
Professor Madhu Bhaskaran FTSE Co-Chair

Fellow status Elected 2022 Division VIC
Fellowship Affiliations Women in STEMM Australia Classification Academia Sector D - Materials & Emerging Technologies Expertise 323 - Electronics (including design of computing circuits)

Professor Madhu Bhaskaran is a multi-award winning electronics engineer and innovator. Her fundamental research breakthroughs have been recognised with numerous awards, including 2018 Batterham Medal awarded by Australian Academy of Technology and Engineering; 2018 APEC Science Prize for Innovation, Research and Education (ASPIRE) Prize; and 2020 Frederick White Medal awarded by Australian Academy of Science.
She co-leads the Functional Materials and Microsystems Research Group at RMIT University which she established in 2010. She is also a node leader and IDEA director for the ARC Centre of Excellence in Transformative Meta-Optical Systems.
Her work on electronic skin and wearable sensors has been patented and her group now works collaboratively with multiple industry and design partners to commercialise the technology for healthcare and aged care.
She is a migrant Australian and a passionate advocate for diversity. She is co-chair of Women in STEMM Australia and on the Advisory board for STEM Sisters.