Dr Liz Dennis
Dr Liz Dennis AC FTSE FAA CSIRO Honorary Fellow

Fellow status Elected 1987 Division ACT
Fellowship Affiliations CSIRO Classification Publicly Funded Research Agency Sector Expertise 211 - Molecular biology

Dr E.S. Dennis has built up an impressive record of scientific achievement in the field of molecular biology and is one of the leading plant moleC'.nlar biologists in Australia.

Dennis' work is of high international standing as witnessed by the many invitations to speak at international meetings and the large number of sabbatical visitors attracted to her laboratory. Within Australia, her name is always one of the first proposed as lead speaker in symposia on plant genes.

Dennis has an extensive and impressive list of publications to her credit. Since reclassification to Principal Research Scientist in 1976, she has published 42 papers, of which 25 are refereed papers in international journals. She is co-author of an award-winning book on rodents of New Guinea, co-editor (with Dr B. Hohn of Basel) of a book on "Gene Flux in Plants", and general editor of a series of books on "Plant Gene Research" (Springer-Verlag).

Within the Division of Plant Industry Dennis is leader of a program on Transfer and Expression of Plant Genes, which is a major component of the Division's biotechnology program. She has direct leadership responsibility for a group consisting of 10 research scientists, 3 experimental officers, plus support staff, 2 graduate students and visiting scientists. Dennis
not only has full responsibility for day-to-day direction of this group, but also is a major contributor of innovative ideas used in planning its overall and effective research environment both within her own group and within
the Division.

Dennis' additional responsibility is management of the Division's collabor¬ ative research project with the Agrigenetics Corporation. This involves not only research leadership but also appointment of personnel, budgeting and presentation of reports to the Corporation.