Em. Professor Kaye Basford
Em. Professor Kaye Basford AM FTSE Emeritus Professor

Fellow status Elected 2006 Division QLD
Fellowship Affiliations The University of Queensland (UQ) Classification Academia Sector Expertise 111 - Applied mathematics

Biography at time of election

Kaye Basford has developed statistical methods for the analysis and interpretation of interactions between crop genotypes and environments that have improved the efficiency and effectiveness of breeding programs around the world. Her methods are used in Australia by breeders of wheat, barley, maize, sugercane, sorghum, soybean, peanuts, lucerne and common beans; by commercial companies in the USA (Monsanto, Pioneer Hi-Bred); and by the international agricultural research centres CIMMYT (Mexico), IRRI (Philippines) and ICRISAT (India). Through leadership positions, scholarly publications, freely-available computer programs, collaboration with professional colleagues and high-level teaching activities in Australia and six other countries, she has influenced an international generation of crop scientists.