Dr John Ramshaw
Dr John Ramshaw AM FTSE Adjunct Professor

Fellow status Elected 2003 Division VIC
Fellowship Affiliations Swinburne University of Technology Classification Publicly Funded Research Agency Sector Expertise 212 - Biotechnology

Ramshaw's research activities are on development of biomaterial/medical device products, principally based on collagen and using chemistry, molecular and cellular biology and tissue engineering approaches. He has had extensive, successful interactions with industry through major research grants, from Government and directly from companies, and through a wide range of consulting activities. He is a recognised leader in commercial applications of collagen and in the area of biocompatability, biomaterials and medical devices. He has served on Government committees on biomaterial/medical device safety. He has published extensively (papers and patents) and is nationally and internationally recognised (awards, editorial activities, invitations to conferences, for papers and reviews).