Dr Joanne Daly
Dr Joanne Daly FTSE PSM
Der Daly is a geneticist with an interest in agricultural pests. She also had worked with internationally to assist with online access to natural history collections. In more recent years she has specialised in plant and animal biosecurity issues.

Fellow status Elected 2004 Division ACT
Fellowship Affiliations Classification Publicly Funded Research Agency Sector Expertise 231 - Rural science and technology

Biography at time of election

Research by Dr Daly on insecticide resistance genetics in Helicoverpa armigera has provided basic underpinning science for insect resistance management strategies, which have been widely adopted by the cotton industry. Benefit is estimated in the order of $60 million a year. Her appreciation of impact of research outcomes has led to strategic thinking about research policy and management. She led the National Priority Taskforce that developed four national research priorities, through consultation with the research and wider community. The priorites are being built into all major government research programs, such as Australian Research Council, and the CSIRO Flagship programs.