Dr Jenny Stauber
Dr Jenny Stauber FTSE FAA Chief Research Scientist

Fellow status Elected 2015 Division NSW
Fellowship Affiliations CSIRO Classification Publicly Funded Research Agency Sector Expertise 253 - Environmental science and technology (biological)

Biography at time of election

Dr Stauber is Australia's foremost ecotoxicologist who has pioneered the development and application of environmental assessment techniques for contaminants for regulators and industry. She is a leading international expert on contaminants in aquatic systems, whose research on metal bioavailability, ecotoxicology and direct toxicity assessment underpins the Australasian water and sediment quality guidelines used for environmental regulation of chemicals. Dr Stauber serves as expert ecotoxicologist on several technical advisory committees for Australian government departments, EPAs and the resources industry on issues as diverse as coal seam gas, hazardous waste, mining, desalination, acid sulfate soils, and water quality.