Dr Janis Cocking
Dr Janis Cocking FTSE PSM Non-Executive Director ASC PtyLtd She/her

Fellow status Elected 2012 Division VIC
Fellowship Affiliations Classification Publicly Funded Research Agency Sector Expertise 343 - Maritime engineering

Biography at time of election

Ms Janis Cocking led the scientific and technological support program for the Collins class submarines, solving many problems which beset the early submarines of the class. She has also demonstrated how unmanned underwater systems can complement manned submarines in delivering enhanced defence capability. She now serves with distinction as Chief of DSTO?s Maritime Platforms Division, where she oversees the S&T support program for the Royal Australian Navy?s fleet. Throughout her career she has devoted substantial energy to ensuring that the outcomes of research programs are appropriately transferred to industry in order to deliver improved military capability for the Australian Defence Force.