Dr Ian Tyler
Dr Ian Tyler FTSE Adjunct Senior Research Fellow, School of Earth Sciences

Fellow status Elected 2016 Division WA
Fellowship Affiliations The University of Western Australia (UWA) Classification Government Sector A - Energy, Mining & Minerals Processing Expertise 141 - Geology

Biography at time of election

Geological, geochemical and geophysical data sets are fundamental in attracting significant mineral exploration company investment and hence the development of new mineral resources. As Assistant Director, Geoscience Mapping (GSWA), Ian TYler is strategically involved in the scientific design and implementation of the WA (2009?2017), $130m Exploration Incentive Scheme (EIS), focused on acquisition and rapid publication of high-quality. digital geoscience, deep (?60 km) seismic, geochemical and isotopic datasets relevant to exploration in unexplored areas. His impact is that this effort has resulted in more than 50 new mineral discoveries.