Dr Ian Dagley
Dr Ian Dagley FTSE Chief Executive Officer He/him
Dr Ian Dagley is the Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of the Solving Plastic Waste Cooperative Research Centre (CRC). Prior to this appointment he was Chief of the Science Partnerships and Engagement Division of the Defence Science and Technology Group (DST) for 2.5 years after serving as CEO of the CRC for Polymers for 21 years. Ian has a PhD in organic chemistry from the University of Melbourne and an MBA from RMIT. His research career has also included periods at Oxford University, with Pacific Dunlop, and with the Defence Science and Technology Organisation.

Fellow status Elected 2010 Division VIC
Fellowship Affiliations Solving Plastic Waste Cooperative Research Centre Classification Publicly Funded Research Agency Sector Expertise 363 - Materials science and engineering

Biography at time of election

Dr Ian Dagley is nationally recognised within the scientific community for his leadership of the CRC for Polymers. He has instigated its projects from his discussions with companies and researchers, written its funding applications, assembled the best teams of researchers appropriate for its projects, been closely involved with the conduct of the projects, made creative inputs to the science and to the development of intellectual property, and been closely involved in the commercialisation process. Under his leadership, the CRC for Polymers has licensed nine separate technologies, resulting in new product sales of >$50 million, and established two spin-off companies.