Professor Hala Zreiqat
Professor Hala Zreiqat AM FTSE FAA Professor and Director

Fellow status Elected 2020 Division NSW
Fellowship Affiliations The University of Sydney (USYD) Classification Academia Sector F - Biotechnology & Human Health Expertise 262 - Medical technology

Biography at time of election

Hala Zreiqat: has developed a novel class of ceramic biomaterials for musculoskeletal regeneration, pioneering new cell, molecular biology and nanoscience techniques to produce ceramics that combine high strength and bioactivity, developed the technology to fabricate these biomaterials as 3D-printed patient-specific implants. Is Director of the ARC Centre for Innovative BioEngineering. Is Chair of the international Alliance for Design and Application in Tissue Engineering. Was the 2018 NSW Premier?s Woman of the year. Was the first woman and only the second Australian recipient of the prestigious Radcliff Harvard University.