Dist. Professor Dietmar Hutmacher
Dist. Professor Dietmar Hutmacher FTSE FAHMS Distinguished Professor and Chair in Regenerative Medicine

Fellow status Elected 2022 Division QLD
Fellowship Affiliations Queensland University of Technology (QUT) Classification Academia Sector F - Biotechnology & Human Health Expertise 212 - Biotechnology

Biography at time of election

Distinguished Professor Dietmar W Hutmacher is a global leader in scaffold-guided tissue regeneration (SGBR). Patient specific scaffolds are designed and manufactured by using a cutting-edge 3D printing technology platform, then implanted. The SGBR technology has repaired leg bones and badly damaged skulls and corrected congenital deformities. Approved by US and European authorities, more than 70,000 patients have been treated worldwide.  

After tissue regrows in the highly porous scaffold architecture, the scaffold material dissolves. Compared to titanium implants this is life-changing because implant removal is not required. This has transformed the treatment of large bone defects, especially for skull defects and related correction surgeries of babies and children.  

Dietmar’s career and work combines academia and industry. His research has led to six spinoff companies. Recently, Dietmar has pioneered ways to integrate tissue engineering technology into cancer research.