Professor Chamindie Punyadeera
Professor Chamindie Punyadeera FTSE Professor, Research Leader

Fellow status Elected 2023 Division QLD
Fellowship Affiliations Griffith University Classification Academia Sector F - Biotechnology & Human Health Expertise 262 - Medical technology

Biography at time of election

Chamindie Punyadeera is a translational scientist at the intersection of cutting-edge research and transformative applications with real-world impact. Her research spans engineering and biomedicine, taking biomarkers from concept to products with impact for industry and patients. Her saliva technology received FDA approval for the US market and will enable early diagnosis of more than 1 million patients worldwide. She has advised global corporations and championed the advancement of women in STEMM. Chamindie has built a global reputation for translational research leadership and her advocacy for CALD women led to the establishment of a career support program through Women in Technology.