Dr Cathy Foley
Dr Cathy Foley AO FTSE FAA PSM

Fellow status Elected 2008 Division NSW
Fellowship Affiliations CSIRO Classification Publicly Funded Research Agency Sector Expertise 121 - Applied physics

Biography at time of election

Dr Foley has made outstanding contributions to solid state physics, particularly in the development and application of superconductivity devices. She has tirelessly promoted physics in the community including the furthering of "Women in Science". Dr Foley and her team have developed new superconducting sensors leading to the discovery of extensive new mineral deposits. The team is further developing this technology for application in submarine detection, oil prospecting and the monitoring of food quality. Cathy has given many Plenary Lectures at international conferences, ran a science program on ABC Radio National, is President of teh Australian Institute of Physics and is an inspiration to her staff.