Professor Bronwyn Harch
Professor Bronwyn Harch FTSE Vice President (Industry and External Engagement She/her
Professor Bronwyn Harch is a higher education strategy leader passionate about brokering transdisciplinary collaboration through private-public alliances. With a statistics and data science background, Professor Harch has significant industry and innovation leadership experience, having been in senior executive roles in Queensland Government, universities (UQ & QUT) and CSIRO. She was named among the top 60 Australian statisticians as part of the 60th birthday celebrations of the Statistical Society of Australia in 2023.

Fellow status Elected 2013 Division QLD
Fellowship Affiliations Office of the Queensland Chief Scientist Classification Academia Sector Expertise 111 - Applied mathematics, 253 - Environmental science and technology (biological), 411 - Research and development, 441 - Government organisations and institutions, 451 - Interface of technology and society

Biography at time of election

Bronwyn Harch has had an outstanding career in CSIRO where, after joining initially as a postdoctoral research statistician, she is now Chief of CSIRO's Computational Informatics research division. She works in partnership with the organisation's National Research Flagship program to address key national challenges across the information and decision making value chain for government, industry and the innovation sectors. She has had major impact in her ability to synthesise difficult scientific research problems and then to identify, harness and lead collaborative ventures to tackle them.