Professor Bronwyn Fox
Professor Bronwyn Fox AO FTSE Deputy Vice Chancellor (Research & Enterprise)

Fellow status Elected 2017 Division NSW
Fellowship Affiliations The University of New South Wales (UNSW) Classification Academia Sector D - Materials & Emerging Technologies Expertise 363 - Materials science and engineering

Biography at time of election

Prof Bronwyn Fox is an outstanding materials science researcher with a passion for research translation for the benefit of the Australian manufacturing industry. Fox joined Swinburne University as the Director of the Manufacturing Futures Research Institute in December 2015 and is a recognised industry collaborator with over 20 years? experience in composites and advanced manufacturing. Fox is a key champion of the vision for a carbon fibre composite industry for Australia and has propelled the success of two companies that now employ more than 600 people in Australia. Fox is also a passionate and active supporter of female STEM initiatives.