Dist. Professor Brian Schmidt
Dist. Professor Brian Schmidt AC FTSE FRS FAA Professor

Fellow status Elected 2023 Division ACT
Fellowship Affiliations The Australian National University (ANU) Classification Academia Sector H - Entrepreneurship, Service & Education Expertise 161 - Astronomy

Biography at time of election

Brian Schmidt is a pathbreaking educator, communicator, innovator and astronomer. His contributions have been recognised through many awards including the Nobel Prize for Physics and his election to the Australian Academy of Science and Royal Society. His contributions to education have been very substantial. Under his leadership as Vice Chancellor of the Australian National University, its role as THE national university of Australia strengthened many linkages with leading international universities. Under his leadeership, research funding expanded and important breakthroughs were achieved. Staff, student numbers, diversity and satisfaction grew. He championed research translation. Finally, he was elected to Chair the Group of Eight.