Sir Arvi Parbo
Sir Arvi Parbo AC FTSE


Sir Arvi Parbo died on 05/01/2019.

The Academy mourns the loss of a towering figure in Australian mining, engineering and business with the death on 1 May of Sir Arvi Parbo AC Kt FTSE.

Sir Arvi was appointed managing director of Western Mining Corporation in 1971 and chairman in 1974. He stepped down as MD in 1986, but stayed on as executive chairman until 1990 and chairman thereafter. From 1989 to 1992, he chaired BHP.

He received a knighthood for services to industry in 1978 and was the inaugural President of the Business Council of Australia from 1983 to 1984.

Sir Arvi was elected to the Academy in 1977 and served a three-year term as our fourth President (1995-1997).

Academy President, Professor Hugh Bradlow FTSE, paid tribute to Sir Arvi’s contribution both to the Academy and to Australian industry. 

“Sir Arvi is an inspirational example of how talent and hard work can pay off. Born in Estonia, he settled in Australia in 1949, graduating with a Bachelor of Engineering with first class honours from the University of Adelaide just six years later.

“His career was stellar. He is credited for discovering and establishing Olympic Dam, one of the world’s most significant deposits of copper, gold, silver and uranium and still being worked by BHP today.

“We benefited from those attributes here at the Academy. Sir Arvi served on our Council from 1988 to 1997 and as a Vice-President from 1989 to 1992, before becoming President. He will be sorely missed.”

The Academy expresses its condolences to Sir Arvi’s wife, Lady Saima Parbo, their three children, Ellen, Peter and Martin, and six grandchildren. 

Fellow status Elected 1977 Division
Fellowship Affiliations Classification Sector