Em. Professor Annabelle Duncan
Em. Professor Annabelle Duncan FTSE PSM Board Chair

Current as of 06/06/2023

Emeritus Professor Annabelle Duncan is an Independent Director; Chair of the Sydney School of Entrepreneurship, Chair of the Boards of Asia Pacific International College; College of Health Sciences and the Higher Education Leadership Institute. She Chairs the Expert Panel for the NSW Physical Sciences fund and the Advisory Panel for the Monash Centre To Impact Antimicrobial Resistance. Previously she was the Chair of the Steering Committee mapping the AMR R&D Landscape in Australia and a member of the Board of the Regional Australia Institute.

She is a Microbial Ecologist by discipline. Previously, she worked for CSIRO for 16 years, including 6 years as Chief of the Division of Molecular Science and for Monash University, University of Melbourne, La Trobe University and the University of New England. From 2014 – 2019 she was the Vice Chancellor of the University of New England. She has acted as an advisor to the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade on Biological Weapons Control and was a weapons inspector with the United Nations in Iraq in the early 1990’s.

She is a Microbial Ecologist by discipline with a research background in water and wastewater microbiology.

Fellow status Elected 2018 Division NSW
Fellowship Affiliations NSW Physical Sciences Fund Classification Academia Sector H - Entrepreneurship, Service & Education Expertise 231 - Rural science and technology

Biography at time of election

Professor Duncan has extensive successful experience in working in multilateral, multidisciplinary environments. She is experienced in developing scientifically sound, consensus documents which help to inform policy development on contentious topics.
She has worked in CSIRO and the University sector, worked closely with industry, been responsible for spin-out technology companies, and has always placed emphasis on the application of her work to economic, environmental or societal benefit.
She is an outstanding educator in science and technology, well networked, collaborative with a broad experience working across disciplinary boundaries.