Professor Anna Giacomini
Professor Anna Giacomini FTSE Professor, School of Engineering, College of Engineering, Science and Environment (CESE)

Fellow status Elected 2023 Division NSW
Fellowship Affiliations University of Newcastle (UoN) Classification Academia Sector E - Infrastructure Expertise 411 - Research and development

Biography at time of election

Professor Giacomini is an internationally recognized leader in the field of rock mechanics and rockfall analyses. She has made a seminal contribution to the study of rockfall phenomena. She has strived to translate her work into new-cost-effective and safe-engineered designs to protect Australian transport corridors, coastline communities and working environments exposed to these major natural and man-made hazards for the last two decades, with substantial economic, social and environmental benefits. She is a strong advocate of a more diverse and inclusive working environment and remarkably active in advancing gender and diversity equality in academia and in the engineering profession.