Professor Andrew Cuthbertson
Professor Andrew Cuthbertson AO FTSE FAA FAHMS Non-executive Director

Fellow status Elected 2012 Division VIC
Fellowship Affiliations CSL Limited Classification Industry Sector Expertise 211 - Molecular biology

Dr Andrew Cuthbertson has a distinguished record of research at the University of Melbourne, the Walter and Eliza Hall Institute, the Howard Florey Institute and the US National Eye Institute into the molecular development biology of the eye and eye diseases. As a Senior Scientist at the US company Genentech Inc, he maintained his interest in treating some of the challenging causes of human blindness. Andrew Cuthbertson is now R&D Director and Chief Scientific Officer in CSL Limited where he has a keen interest in biotechnology drug development, particularly in the emerging field of immunotherapy for infectious diseases and cancer. He played a lead role in the international commercialisation of the new Gadasil recombinant vaccine against human papilloma virus. Andrew Cuthbertson currently manages a budget of over $300 million and a global R&D organisation of 750 scientists.