Dr Alistair Hobday
Dr Alistair Hobday FTSE Research Director, Sustainable Marine Futures He/him

Fellow status Elected 2023 Division TAS
Fellowship Affiliations CSIRO Classification Publicly Funded Research Agency Sector B - Water & Environment Expertise 254 - Marine science

Biography at time of election

Dr Hobday is a world-renowned marine scientist, currently focussing on climate change impacts on biodiversity and fishery resources. He works on developing, prioritizing and testing adaptation options for sustainable use and increasing resilience of oceans. He led development of ecological risk assessment approaches used by governments and other organizations (e.g. FAO, NOAA, MSC) worldwide. He is developing marine heatwave and seasonal ocean forecast systems to improve the productivity of fisheries and aquaculture. His work has influenced marine research in the fields of ecosystem-based fisheries management and climate adaptation. He is frequently contracted and consulted by government agencies and international bodies.