
Our values determine how we conduct our day-to-day operations, and the expectations we place on our Fellows, staff and the organisations and people that we partner with.

ATSE conducts our day-to-day operations according to a core set of values applying to staff, Fellows and partner organisations. These values are a guiding light for the way the Academy works.

The values and expectations that ATSE places on our Fellows, staff and the organisations and people that we partner with ensure our operations are conducted in a way that supports people's wellbeing and produces the best possible work from the Academy.

Integrity and transparency

Integrity and transparency underpin our endeavours to deliver our purpose.


Regardless of age, race, ethnicity, national origin, sexual orientation, gender, religion, culture, disability, marital status or political affiliation we are committed to diversity and inclusion because they are fundamental human rights, and because they deliver better outcomes for ATSE and our partners. 


We work collaboratively across the Academy and in partnership with other organisations, because doing so is critical to our success and therefore to the prosperity of Australia. 

Excellence and independence 

We seek to be excellent, independent and innovative in all that we do, and to have that excellence recognised nationally and internationally. We celebrate excellence in the work of our Fellows, and as we lead in applied science, technology and engineering more broadly. 


 We strive to support environmental, social and economic sustainability through our activities and operations.

Professional pride

Staff work together and with Fellows to create a workplace where we:

  • treat each other respectfully, fairly and ethically
  • have a zero-tolerance policy towards discrimination, harassment and bullying
  • are professional and courteous
  • are passionate about our work and strive to add value every day
  • share a sense of timeliness
  • value initiative and leadership
  • encourage performance, and reward honest reflection and continuous improvement
  • place the utmost importance on work health, safety and wellbeing in all work places and spaces
  • and enjoy our work.


Diversity & inclusion

Our values aim to start addressing the diversity and inclusion needs of our community.

Technology, engineering and science professions have a serious problem with gender balance and workplace culture. Australian women obtained more than 60 per cent of undergraduate degrees in 2013. However, fewer than 10 per cent of those employed in this country as engineers are women. Worldwide, women accounted for less than a third of those employed in scientific R&D in 2014.

In Australia, the science and technology picture for women is no better. The exclusion or marginalisation of women in science, technology, engineering, mathematics and medicine damages the careers or even the lives of the women involved. It also results in an avoidable loss of expertise, talent and investment. The Academy is working to change this.


Our commitment to reconciliation

Our vision for reconciliation is that all Australians recognise and value Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander custodianship as one of the oldest knowledge systems on the planet.