
Guided by a Board, the Fellowship of over 900 experts collaborates with the ATSE professional team to provide robust, impartial, practical advice about technological sciences and engineering.

Our Fellows collaborate and network in State and Territory Divisions, and through dedicated Policy Forums about core areas of interest. The ATSE team collaborates with Fellows to provide expert advice to decision and policy makers.

ATSE network of Fellows with STEM expertise

The Academy’s Board comprises the President, eight elected Fellows, the CEO and, from time to time, a Director elected by the Board.

ATSE Board

Illustration of map of Australia shown as a network of nodes

We have Divisions in each State and Territory that liaise with their respective governments. They act as the conduit between the professional team and Fellows all around the country. Divisions also provide professional events and a social network.

ATSE Divisions

ATSE Digital Network Pulses
STEM expertise areas

Fellows with relevant expertise and professional interest in different sector areas provide advice on issues that are critical to Australia’s future. Fellows collaborate with the ATSE team to develop position and action statements, and interface with decision-makers on relevant topics.

STEM industry sector forums

Network with binary nodes
Learned Academies and ACOLA

ATSE works closely with the four other Learned Academies through ACOLA — the Australian Council of Learned Academies.

> How we work with ACOLA

CAETS Croatia 2023
International Council of Academies of Engineering and Technological Sciences

ATSE is a founding member of the International Council of Academies of Engineering and Technological Sciences (CAETS).