Who we are

We are a Learned Academy which counts more than 900 of Australia's top engineers and applied scientists as its Fellows


Our vision is for a sustainable and prosperous Australia where engineering and applied sciences protect our environment, nurture a skilled workforce, grow competitive industries and enable all Australians to reach their greatest potential. 


Our mission is to help all Australians understand and use technology to solve complex problems.

An independent, non-government organisation and charity, ATSE is led by a diverse Fellowship of over 900 of Australia’s leading applied scientists, technologists and engineers.

We celebrate excellence in science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) by appointing prestigious Fellows, awarding upcoming innovators and equipping the next generation with skills to build a better Australia and world.

We are an evidence driven voice to decision-makers, and our world-class STEM career programs are shaping the knowledge-makers and innovators we need to tackle our most urgent challenges – now and in the future. 


ATSE Bridge To Parliament
About us

We bring together Australia’s leading experts in applied science, technology and engineering to provide impartial, practical and evidence-based advice on how to achieve sustainable solutions and advance prosperity.

> Read more about ATSE


Network of nodes with people icons

Our Fellows come from academia, industry, government and research organisations and include Chief Scientists, CEOs, Vice-Chancellors and heads of research institutes. New Fellows are elected by the Fellowship on the basis of a range of criteria, always ensuring that newcomers can contribute to the Academy’s mission of applying science, technology and engineering to solve the big issues facing our nation in a fast-changing world. 

> Read more about our Fellows

Our Fellows include Chief Scientists, CEOs, Vice-Chancellors and heads of research institutes.


Reconciliation Action Plan

Our vision for reconciliation is that all Australians recognise and value Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander custodianship as one of the oldest knowledge systems on the planet.
> Read more about our reconciliation action


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Plans and policies

The Academy has plans to guide behaviour and strategic direction, and policies to safeguard and advance the rights of everyone who interacts with it — public, Fellows and staff.

> Read our internal plans & policies


Map of Australia on a digital display panel
Partners, sponsors & donors

To maintain our independence and support our activities, we forge strong industry partnerships with like minded organisations.
> Read more about our partners


Australian money close up

We are a registered charity with deductible gift recipient status.
For nearly 50 years our expert advice and world class STEM Career programs have helped grow great Australian technology and innovation. Charitable donations support our important work.
> Read more about donating to ATSE

ATSE At A Glance 2022 2023
ATSE at a glance 2022-2023