23 October 2023

Submission to the Understanding our RNA Potential consultation

Australia has a notable opportunity in biotechnology, with ribonucleic acid (RNA) therapies and technologies primarily in the research phase, focusing on vaccines, protein therapies, cancer treatment and biopesticides.

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Australia has a notable opportunity in biotechnology, with ribonucleic acid (RNA) therapies and technologies primarily in the research phase, focusing on vaccines, protein therapies, cancer treatment and biopesticides.

However, our nation faces several critical challenges in harnessing its potential. These include limited funding for research and innovation, a need for enhanced collaboration among research institutions and industry, and insufficient support for domestic RNA technology start-ups in expanding into global markets.

To address these challenges, it is essential to establish a comprehensive national RNA initiative with stable government funding, focusing on research excellence, manufacturing, and driving more effective translation and collaboration. Strategic supporting initiatives can help local RNA technology start-ups thrive in international markets, fostering innovation, economic growth, and global competitiveness for Australia in the RNA technology sector. 

ATSE makes the following recommendations: 

Recommendation 1: Establish a comprehensive national RNA therapeutics and technology strategy with a strong focus on collaboration, research excellence, developing state-of-the-art infrastructure, and manufacturing. 

Recommendation 2: Include One Health within the national RNA strategy for enhanced research translation and innovation. 

Recommendation 3: Assist domestic RNA technology start-ups in global markets through export promotion initiatives, attracting talent, investment, and multinationals. 

Recommendation 4: Allocate stable funding and resources to support RNA research and innovation, in line with the national strategy. 

Recommendation 5: Invest in education and training programs to address skills shortages in the RNA sector. 

Recommendation 6: Implement regulatory frameworks to facilitate swift development, approval and market access for RNA technologies.