09 February 2023

Submission to the National Energy Performance Strategy

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ATSE welcomes the opportunity to provide a submission into the National Energy Performance Strategy. One of ATSE’s key policy priorities is climate change adaptation and mitigation. This strategy provides an opportunity for the Australian Government to embrace a technology-led transition to net zero greenhouse gas emissions.

ATSE believes that, by prioritising the immediate deployment of mature, low carbon, technologies, Australia will be able to make deep cuts to our emissions by 2030 (Australian Academy of Technological Science and Engineering, 2021).

This submission argues that stronger building standards are needed to ensure high levels of energy efficiency in, and reduce carbon emissions from, Australian residential properties, particularly in the areas of insulation, water heating, and rooftop solar and battery deployment. For existing households, incentives are needed to increase investment in energy efficiency measures, for both owner-occupiers and landlords. The government has the greatest scope to implement direct changes to the public housing sector, which will provide energy cost saving benefits to those who need them most.


Recommendation 1: The Australian Government implements stronger energy efficiency requirements as part of national building standards, mandating the installation of energy efficient water heating systems, better insulation via double glazing and rooftop solar with battery storage.

Recommendation 2: The Australian Government develop a national gas substitution roadmap in collaboration with the state governments.

Recommendation 3: The Australian Government develops incentives, targeted at lower-income households and regional areas, to reduce the upfront costs of installing energy efficient upgrades, including secondary glazing and battery storage.

Recommendation 4: The Australian Government establishes a national solar leasing program for lowincome households.

Recommendation 5: The Australian Government develops a program, in collaboration with the states, to retrofit all public housing with more efficient insulation, double-glazed windows and rooftop solar systems, in line with updated national building standards.

Recommendation 6: The Australian Government develops a targeted tax credit for rental property owners who invest in energy saving technologies in their properties.