28 September 2023

Submission to the Inquiry into Residential Electrification

Residential electrification is an essential part of Australia’s strategy to achieve net zero emissions by 2050 if not sooner. Electrification will not only reduce carbon emissions as the power grid moves to renewable energy but will also provide economic benefits as jobs are created in the re-fit houses and apartments.

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Residential electrification is an essential part of Australia’s strategy to achieve net zero emissions by 2050 if not sooner.

Electrification will not only reduce carbon emissions as the power grid moves to renewable energy but will also provide economic benefits as jobs are created in the re-fit houses and apartments. The technology to make this switch is readily available however a challenge lies in integrating renewable into the existing transmission grids and in supporting households to make this transition.

ATSE’s Position Statement on Australia’s technology-led transition to net zero emissions advocates for a more ambitious interim emissions target for 2030. The legislation of full electrification in new construction projects, offering incentives to landlords, and promoting energy-efficient standards, would assist in reaching this ambitious net zero by 2030 target and is a step that can be taken now. These measures would also contribute to a reduction in carbon emissions and alleviate residential power costs. By embracing renewable energy sources and electric alternatives, households can achieve long-term cost savings while fostering environmental sustainability. It is also worth noting that while electrification of new builds can be implemented now the goal of the Government should be full domestic electrification.

ATSE makes the following recommendations:

Recommendation 1: Expedite residential electrification efforts to reduce carbon emissions to achieve more affordable power for Australians.

Recommendation 2: Implement regulations and legislation that mandate full electrification, rooftop solar generation, battery storage, and high energy efficiency standards for new residential buildings across Australia.

Recommendation 3: Provide incentives for landlords to implement electrification and energy-efficient measures.

Recommendation 4: Expediate residential electrification while fast-tracking the switch to renewable energy generation.