12 April 2023

Submission to Australia’s Science and Research Priorities: Conversation Starter

ATSE supports an approach to the Science and Research Priorities of defining the challenges to be solved and assigning priorities accordingly, following a mission-oriented approach.

Key challenges identified by ATSE’s experts include:

  • reducing carbon emissions to net zero by 2050 including from infrastructure, transport, and energy
  • building resilient communities and systems in adaptation to ongoing climate change
  • ensuring secure supplies of water and food
  • healthcare and wellbeing for an ageing population
  • preventing threats to population health
  • closing the gap with regard to life expectancy and quality of life, digital leadership, equity and inclusion
  • restoring sovereign capability and supply chain resilience
  • developing the STEM (science, technology, engineering and mathematics) workforce and teaching capacity.

Science, research, innovation and uplifts to productivity will be required to respond to these issues and improve quality of life for Australians. ATSE highlights the important role of technology and engineering in realising the vision of the Science and Research Priorities.

To support solutions, there must be an uplift in STEM skills, engendering social license for and investment in science and technology, and the ability for Australia to be a nation of innovators, not adopters of technologies developed elsewhere.