30 November 2022

Submission on National Quantum Strategy framework

ATSE has provided input to develop the draft National Quantum Strategy, focusing on the themes of research, infrastructure, talent and the quantum start-up landscape.

ATSE welcomes the opportunity to respond to provide a submission on the proposed framework for the National Quantum Strategy. ATSE has previously provided a submission to the June 2022 consultation to develop the draft Strategy, focusing on the themes of research, infrastructure, talent, and the quantum start-up landscape (ATSE, 2022a). ATSE recognises that the recommendations in that submission are reflected in the proposed framework. Building on this, ATSE puts forward the following recommendations to further strengthen the National Quantum Strategy framework:

Recommendation 1: Elevate the development of a whole-of-pipeline quantum research funding strategy to its own objective under the Strategy.

Recommendation 2: Include dedicated support for collaborative research on ethical issues concerning quantum technologies.

Recommendation 3: Include initiatives under Objective 4 to deliver school-based programs such as work experience in STEM organisations, including programs to target under-represented groups.

Recommendation 4: Prioritise the development of a quantum skills taxonomy, situated within a broader effort to develop a taxonomy of in-demand STEM skills.

Recommendation 5: Embed diversity and inclusion requirements for funding and other support schemes for quantum technology project teams.